Information about the Primary Governing Committee
1. The Work of the Primary Governing Committee
The Primary Governing Committee’s role is to assist in developing the strategic direction of the school. The Primary Governing Committee is responsible for:
- Assisting in developing the school budget
- Advise on the admissions policy
- Assist in developing the School’s Improvement Plan and help monitor its effectiveness
- Assist the Trust in appointing the Head Teacher when the need arises
- Advise on key policies that regulate how the school operates, eg Health & Safety
- Ensure that the school is compliant with legal requirements
- Assist in the Trust employment practices as the Trust is the employer of its staff
In addition, the Primary Governing Committee has a duty to monitor the work of the school, especially its performance, and to be a critical friend to the school through working in partnership with the Head Teacher.
The Head Teacher is responsible for the running of the school, not the Governing Committee.
The Primary Committee also has a key function to perform with regard to pupil discipline:
- In cases of exclusion, the Pupil Discipline Panel may review the decision of the Head Teacher where an appeal occurs. In cases of permanent exclusion, the Pupil Discipline Panel has to review the decision of the Head Teacher within 15 school days. The Governing Committee is also responsible for establishing the independent Review Panel in permanent exclusion cases where the parent/carer wishes to appeal against the decision of the Pupil Discipline Panel to uphold the Head Teacher’s decision.
2. How Does the Primary Governing Committee Operate?
The Committee has three meetings a year, one per term. The Head Teacher provides a report on the work of the school to each of these meetings. At the meeting, the Committee will go through the report from the Head Teacher, and determine the outcome of discussions on pertinent topics relevant to governance.
- The Finance and General Purpose Committee: The Finance and General Purposes Committee monitors termly the income and expenditure patterns of the school as well as developing excellent financial management ensuring that the school retains the highest standard of practice. The Finance and General Purpose Committee will approve key large scale expenditures and work with the Head Teacher on creating the budget to take to the Governing Committee for approval. The Committee also reviews the use of the school grounds and the maintenance and development of the site and its buildings. It also reviews health & safety practices ensuring that the school and its site and buildings are fully compliant legally, as well as being very safe places to visit and work.
- Curriculum and Standards Committee: The Curriculum and Standards Committee explores developments at the school with regard to the curriculum as well as monitoring the work of the school with regard to examination results and other key performances, the progress of special needs and looked after children, and the progress of the Equality Plan.
3. Parent & Staff Governors
Parents/carers and staff have the opportunity to vote for who they think will make a good governor when vacancies appear for parent or staff governor. Parent and Staff Governors are not delegated to work specifically on behalf of or for parents. The post is chosen by ballot of parents or staff to select those who have the motivation, skills and qualities that would make a good governor in the best interest of the school.
Because the role and responsibilities of the Parent or Staff Governor are no different to other Governors, it is not the role of a Parent or Staff Governor to take up individual requests of parents or staff. In all cases of a personal matter about what is happening at school as a parent or a member of staff, the advice from the Governing Committee is to take the matter to the Head Teacher, as it is the Head Teacher who is responsible for the running of the school. If after that a parent or a member of staff feels a need to contact the Governing Committee, and it is not a formal complaint, then please contact the Clerk to the Governing Committee to discuss how best to resolve the issue.
4. Do you want to Contact the Primary Governing Committee?
Sometimes parents/carers wish to contact the Committee directly. Sometimes parents/carers wish to contact Parent Governors about a school matter that is affecting them.
The advice to parents/carers in these cases is clear. Please contact the Head Teacher in the first instance. The Head Teacher is operationally in charge of the school, not the Primary Governing Committee, so on most matters, it is the Head Teacher who can most effectively deal with the issue. The Head Teacher is also a governor and, if the matter is more strategic, he is in the best position to bring it to the attention of the Primary Governing Committee.
There are formal processes to deal with admission and exclusion and parents/carers involved in those processes will be contacted directly over those matters and informed on how to appeal.
If you are still of the view that you want to contact the Primary Governing Committee, please contact the Clerk, at the school for advice about how best to pursue the matter.
5. How to Contact the Primary Governing Committee
The Primary Governing Committee can be contacted via the Clerk to the Committee:
Mrs Monica Andrews
Clerk to the Primary Governing Committee
c/o Ashmole Primary School
Summit Way
London N14 7NP
Tel : 020 8361 1881