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Primary School

Breakfast/After School Club

Breakfast Club and After School Club


* To provide a happy, welcoming place at the start and end of the school day where all children are valued.

* To support working parents by providing an affordable childcare facility.

* Be consistent and reliable to enable parents to have confidence and peace of mind whilst their child is at the Breakfast/ After School Club.

Opening Times:

Monday to Friday 7.45am – 8.50am- Breakfast Club £6.50 per pupil.

Monday to Friday 3.15pm – 5.45pm- After School Club £12.50. Term time only. Breakfast stops being served at 8.30am. Currently, there are up to 85 places available for Breakfast and After School Club.


Breakfast/ After School club will not operate on staff development days.


The club is fully inclusive for children from Reception to Year 6.

Booking and Payment Arrangements:

Balance of the account should be settled before the end of each half term via Parent Pay. After one week of non-payment an email will be sent via Parent Pay for the outstanding amount to be settled. If, at the end of the second week there is still no payment and no explanation, then the child / children will not be able to attend. Payments made using childcare vouchers will be entered on the parent’s Parent Pay account by the school office. Fees will still be charged for non-attendance unless the club is closed or the child is unwell. If the club is used in an emergency or on a one off basis, payment must be received on the day. We reserve the right to cancel Breakfast/ After School Club, where numbers are insufficient, fees in this case would be refunded.

Location of Breakfast/ After School Club:

The Club sessions are held in the Community Room and/or Hall. Staff are responsible for ensuring that all areas are left clean and tidy at the end of the club session.


The School Policy and Rules with regard to behaviour are followed to ensure consistency for the children at the club.

Communication with Parents:

Emails, letters or texts will be sent home regarding Breakfast/ After School Club, if parents need to be informed of anything.


Please contact the school office for full details or to speak to the Breakfast Club Manager.

The staff work together to ensure that the children have activities and that they are playing safely. They organise the cleaning of all of the equipment required to run the Breakfast/ After School Club and prepare the food. In addition to Breakfast/ After School club staff, other school staff members are on site from 7:00am onwards. If a member of staff is absent, they must ring the Breakfast Club Manager who will arrange any necessary cover. All staff have a DBS check and are First Aid trained. Staff are trained in Level 2 Food Hygiene. Staff are identified by a lanyard with their photo and name. Our staff: child ratio is 1:8.


* Children must enter Breakfast/ After School Club via the Community room.

* Children must register. The parent must sign the child in Breakfast Club and sign them out at the end of After School Club

* They will eat their breakfast/ snack and have their drink and participate in a choice of activities and games. A member of staff will wash the equipment.

* The staff will supervise the children to the cloak room, playground or to the classroom.


Breakfast/ After School Club has its own supply of craft resources, games and tableware. This is kept in the Community room where the club takes place. All electrical equipment is PAT tested annually.

Parental and Pupil Feedback:

The school values any parental/ pupil opinions and welcomes feedback about how the club is run. Please talk to staff or make an appointment to speak to the Head Teacher.  


Cancellations would be due to school closure for adverse weather conditions or problems with the building. For example: no heating or water supplies, or unforeseen circumstances. In the event of cancellation:

- A member of school staff will endeavour to contact individuals by text or phone by

7.30am or as soon as possible.

- School closures are reported via email and text message.

Breakfast Menu:

Our selection of food aims to be a healthy balance. Children will be active in the preparation of their breakfast and will learn hygiene skills. Children have the choice whether to have food or not, although they are encouraged to do so.


Breakfast/ After School Club offer structured activities as well as free choice. Weekly programmes of activities may include:

* Art using various mediums

* Crafts using a wide variety of textures and materials

* Construction and Lego toys

* Board games


The Clubs have all emergency contact details for the children.

Fire Procedures:

In the event of a fire, children and staff will follow the normal school procedures, leaving the building calmly via the closest exit. They will congregate on the school’s playground in a line. The club’s register for the day will be called and all names will be checked. There will be a fire practice in accordance with the School’s emergency fire and evacuation policy.

Health and Safety:

Breakfast/ After School Club is run by the school and the existing Health and Safety Policies will be followed. The Community room will be checked regularly by staff to ensure the safety of the children.  

Food must comply with food standards and hygiene regulations. The Trust’s Catering Manager will review all food activities to ensure full compliance.

Risk assessment:

A risk assessment has been completed for Breakfast/ After School Club sessions and activities.

Equal Opportunities:

Breakfast/ After School Club will take positive steps to ensure that provision is made for a safe, caring and welcoming environment, which promotes and reflects cultural and social diversity and is equally accessible to all. All children and their families will be treated with equal concern and value.


In accordance with Safeguarding arrangements, all staff involved in the running of the

Breakfast/ After School Club have current DBS clearance. These records are held in the school office. Breakfast/ After School Club staff will follow existing school policies and procedures for child protection and the code of conduct.

Policies and Procedures:

Breakfast/ After School Club will follow the schools own policies and procedures and these are available from the school office and on the school website.


Accidents will be treated by a trained first aider and the accident will be recorded in the accident book. Breakfast/ After School club will follow the school’s first aid policy.


Inhalers are kept in the Medical group room. If a child needs their inhaler, then a member of staff will escort them and observe that the medication has been taken correctly. Other medication will be administered according to the existing school policy on medication.


The quality of the supervision and of the activities of the Breakfast and After School Club will be monitored and checked by the Head Teacher. The Trust’s Challenge Team will also review these activities as the clubs could be subject to an Ofsted inspector visit.

Ashmole Primary's BC and ASC Policy is available from About Us - Policies