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Primary School

At Ashmole Primary School we want all children to enjoy school and have a love of learning.  We encourage them to persevere, to have self‐belief and the determination to succeed in all they do in order to be the best that they can be. 
We are committed to providing a high quality education for all children, including those with special educational needs.  We welcome children and parents of children with special educational needs and are an inclusive school that seeks to raise achievement and remove barriers to learning so that our children can achieve their full potential. We recognise that each child is a unique individual and we aim to provide support in a sensitive and caring manner.  
Ashmole Primary School is an inclusive school.  We are fully committed to meeting the needs of those pupils with SEN and/or Disabilities so far as is reasonably practicable and compatible with the provision of the efficient education of other pupils. In meeting these responsibilities, Ashmole Primary School has due regard to the SEN Code of Practice 2014 and the Disability Discrimination Act 2001.

Please find the SEND Information Report below