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Primary School

Key Stage 2 Autumn News

The Year 3 children have settled fantastically into life as the first Juniors at Ashmole Primary School. They transitioned well from Year 2 to Year 3, KS1 to KS2, Infants to Juniors and have taken all of the changes in their stride. Since the start of the new academic year, the children have wholeheartedly immersed themselves into our different topics and activities. In September, we became Waste Warriors, finding out about the different threats to our environment, the negative impact some actions have and what we can do to protect and save our environment for years to come. We even tasted some mealworms! The children thought they tasted like Weetabix.

This term we travelled back in time to the period of the Ancient Greeks. We learnt what life was like in Ancient times, found out about the different Gods and their powers; we cooked like Ancient Greeks, created beautiful Greek pottery and wrote our very own Ancient Greek Myths! When working scientifically, the children enjoyed learning about and investigating the different parts and functions of a plant. They saw, first hand, the role of the roots and the effect the absence of roots has on the growth of a plant. The children carefully dissected flowers to take a closer look at their various parts under a microscope. We have had an amazing start to the year!

Miss Charalambous
Class Teacher and KS2 Leader