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Primary School


All staff receive safeguarding, Prevent and Online Safety training every year in September, ensuring every member of staff is fully aware of when and how to raise a concern. This continues to be carried out regularly throughout the year for all staff, to ensure that they receive regular updates and frequent training. 

Use of Images  

At Ashmole Primary the children have many wonderful and exciting opportunities and experiences that we love to share with parents. When first beginning school, parents/carers will be asked whether they give permission for photos of their child to be published by the school on the school's website and newsletters. We follow this guidance from parents carefully and if parents decide to change their preference at any time, they must inform the class teacher and school office.   

 Use of Cameras and Digital Images (Parents) - 'THINK BEFORE WE POST' 

We are happy for parents and carers to take photos and videos at school events for personal use but please could we remind you that these images must not be distributed or put online unless they are only of your own children. This is to protect and safeguard all members of the community.