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Primary School

What is the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) ? 


If the school have concerns that a child is being harmed or at risk of being harmed, we have a duty of care to report this immediately. This referral is made to the Barnet or Enfield MASH team.   

What is the MASH?  

The MASH team is the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub, a multi-agency team made up of social workers, police officers and health professionals, with representatives from the following services who provide advice and information as needed: Probation, Housing, Youth Services, Drug and Alcohol Service, Mental Health Services and Domestic Violence Services. 

How will you feel?  

We understand that you may feel angry, upset or worried because we have made a referral. The decision to make a referral is never taken lightly. However, every member of staff or volunteer that works at every school has a legal duty to act in the best interests of the children at all times. This means acting quickly to reduce any risks where a child’s safety is of concern. 

 What does the MASH do?   

If the MASH team believe the child would benefit from extra help, or that the parents/carers need support to help care for the child, they will refer the family on to the right service. However, if the team thinks the child may be at risk of harm or abuse, they will each share any information their agency has about the family and decide what action needs to be taken to keep the child safe.  

 How does it work?  

When the team receives a referral, and they are worried about a child, each agency will pass information they have on the family to the social worker who uses this to decide what help the child and family need and whether the child is at risk of harm. By sharing information as soon as possible, the team can get a better understanding of what difficulties families may be facing. This way, they can make sure that they can offer the family the right kind of help and support at the right time.